Support Widow Female Farmers in War Zones

About The Project
The project “Support Widow Female Farmers” was supported by Creative International under the program Agriculture and Livelihoods Stabilization Partnership (ALSP program) to support farmers in Northeast Syria.
The goal of this project was to support widowed women farmers to generate a sustainable income for their families and provide key vegetables out-of-seasons. The specific objective of the project was to support 15 female farmers who lost their husbands due to ongoing war in northern Raqqa with technical support needed to install Greenhouses and Irrigation systems and cultivate Vegetables to improve their livelihood.
In Al Hahkumiya village in Raqqa city, DOZ provided support to 15 widowed women by providing each woman with a Greenhouse that measures 50 meters in length, 8 meters width, and 2.5 meters height. The greenhouses were installed on the property owned by the women.
Additionally, each of these women received two rounds of training. The first workshop was provided the female farmers with the technical information on how to farm in greenhouses, the challenges they may face during the cultivation of their vegetables, and how to get involved in the market to sell their products and thus increase the supply of key vegetables in the market.
The second training was a practical onsite workshop to demonstrate how to plant and care for their vegetable plants under the supervision of agricultural experts and skilled workers.
Moreover, DOZ has installed a drip tape irrigation system for each greenhouse to improve the production and encourage water conservation.
Activities Under This Project
- Opening Ceremony Event, October 10, 2019, Al-Raqqa, Syria
DOZ local team in Raqqa organized the first event of the project “Supporting Widow Female Farmers in Raqqa” on October 10th, 2019, in one public hall in the city. The event witnessed participation from locals of target geographical areas, IDPs, local councils’ representatives, local NGOs representatives, INGOs representatives, and representatives.

- Beneficiary Selection Survey, October 24, 2019, Al Hkumiya, Al-Raqqa, Syria
DOZ project team paid visits for target areas and made data collection of the widow for selecting beneficiaries in compline with the selecting criteria.

- Supplying and Warehousing Greenhouse Kits, November 02, 2019, DOZ warehouse, Al-Raqqa Syria.
DOZ team has supplied the materials of Greenhouse’s kits that included the necessary tools for the farmers as Gloves, Rain boots, Shovels, Seedling plastic bags, Organic fertilizer, Cucumber seeds, Tomato seeds, Lettuce seeds, Sprayer …etc.

- Supplying and Warehousing Irrigation System, November 03, 2019, DOZ warehouse, Al-Raqqa, Syria.
DOZ team has supplied the materials of Irrigation System for the Greenhouse that included Water tank with base – Water Pump- Electric Cable- Filtration …etc.

- Supplying and Warehousing the Greenhouse Materials, November 04, 2019, DOZ warehouse, Al-Raqqa, Syria.
DOZ team supplied materials of 15 DOZ team has supplied with the materials of 15 Greenhouse that measures 50 meters in length, 8 meters width, and 2.5 meters height with plastic cover and necessary tools as flat rope width, ground anchors, thermometer …etc.

- First Workshop in DOZ Center, November 07, 2019, DOZ Center, Al-Raqqa, Syria
Conduct a workshop for one day with the 15 female farmers. The training covered the technical information on how to farm in greenhouses, the challenges they may face during the cultivation of their vegetables, and how to get involved in the market to sell their products and thus increase the supply of key vegetables in the market.

- Installation Greenhouse in Field, Nov 05, 2019 – Nov 20, 2019. Al Hkumiya, Al-Raqqa, Syria.
DOZ team has installed 15 Greenhouse for 15 selected widow farmers. As well as that the Project technical staff presented other activities such as technical theoretical information on how to manage greenhouses.

- Installation Irrigation System, Nov 05, 2019 – Nov 20, 2019. Al Hkumiya, Al-Raqqa, Syria.
DOZ team has installed 15 Irrigation System for 15 selected widow farmers. As well as the Project technical staff presented other activities such as technical information-theoretical on how to manage Irrigation System.

- Distribution of Greenhouse Kits, Nov 05, 2019 – Nov 20, 2019. Al Hkumiya, Al-Raqqa, Syria.
DOZ team has distributed 15 Greenhouse’s kits for 15 selected widow farmers. As well as the Project technical staff presented other activities such as technical information-theoretical on how and when to plant seeds.

- Second Training Practical Onsite Workshop, November 07, 2019. Al Hkumiya, Al-Raqqa, Syria
DOZ team Conducted a practical onsite workshop for one day with the 15 female farmers to demonstrate how to cultivate vegetables, use of the greenhouses, use drip tape systems and cultivate vegetables most suitable to grow in greenhouses.

Success Stories
The farmer Mrs. Halima A. has a life full of hardship and challenges. After she lost her husband, she was left with 10 children alone and she has been struggling in her society as a female working day and night to be able to feed her children. Halima was a farmer who worked in agriculture sector before the death if her husband and she has experience in managing greenhouses. After death of her husband, she didn’t have the financial capacity to buy and afford a greenhouse in her land.
After the project “Support Widow Female Farmers” Identified Halima as one of the beneficiaries Halima believes that this greenhouse and the agricultural tools, she received will enable her to improve her life and the life of her family. Furthermore, the greenhouse will help Halima to generate financial l income for the greenhouse that might also help her to finally provide medication for her blind son and her deaf grandson. Halima now feels very empowered, and she is eager to out all her efforts in the greenhouse production for this year.