Leipzig Lana – Our Leipzig – Film and Discussion about Leipzig

In collaboration with Krudebude in Leipzig we participated in the project “Fehlt Hier Noch Was” to be part of the project activities in collaboration with the city museum of Leipzig.
DOZ planned under this project a discussion round about migrant perspectives since the 1990s till year 2023 by having a discussion with Mr. Beston Zirian from Sulimaniyah, Kurdistan Iraq , A Kurdish filmmaker who migrated to Leipzig in year 1994. The discussion took place on 06.10.2023 in the city museum of Leipzig. The discussion was under the topic: Wie friedlich war die Friedliche Revolution? (P)Ost-Migrantische Perspektiven auf die Wende und die Zeit danach.

In Addition to that DOZ e.V. produced a short film as part of the Project “Hier Fehlt Noch Was” by Krudebude Leipzig. The film is also being shown at the City Museum of Leipzig. And maybe if you visit the museum you can still watch the film at the museum which is presented on a screen at the museum.
You can watch the film also here:
DOZ e.V. expresses its appreciation to Krudebude organization in Leipzig and to Leipzig City Museum for the cooperation under this project. Also, we express our appreciation to Sinam Pro for Film and Production company in Leipzig for supporting DOZ e.V. voluntarily to produce this film.
Here is also the full flyer of the project “Fehlt Hier Noch Was” by Krudebude: