The World Humanitarian Summit

The World Humanitarian Summit (Istanbul, May 2016) was a pivotal moment for the global community. It generated momentum and political determination to move forward on the Agenda for Humanity and its five core responsibilities, and kick-started concrete changes in the way we address humanitarian need, risk and vulnerability.

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At the Summit, 9,000 participants representing 180 Member States of the United Nations, over 700 local and international NGOs, the private sector and other stakeholders demonstrated overwhelming support for the transformations called for in the Agenda for Humanity.

This support is evidenced by the nearly 3,000 commitments to action, and over 2,500 alignments with the core commitments and nearly 20 initiatives and partnerships that were launched to deliver the changes that are needed.

Now the hard work of delivering these transformations and making lasting improvements for people caught up in crisis begins.

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The Agenda consists of 5 Core Responsibilities and 24 transformations that are needed to achieve progress to address and reduce humanitarian need, risk and vulnerability. Together, they form a framework for action, change and mutual accountability against which we can collectively assess and review progress in order to reduce the suffering of millions of people, and address and reduce humanitarian need, risk and vulnerability.

Advancing the Agenda for Humanity

In his report to the 71st General Assembly on the outcomes of the WHS, former United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called for all stakeholders to deliver on their commitments and continue to advance the Agenda for Humanity. He presented four key steps to implement the Agenda for Humanity:

1. To sustain the spirit of collaboration, the former Secretary-General launched an online Platform for Action, Commitments and Transformations (PACT) on This platform is a dynamic space to report on progress and showcase results, build engagement and create new partnerships

2. An annual synthesis report will be produced to assess collective progress and identify areas that may be lagging

3. A high-level stocktaking meeting within the next five years should assess progress against our goal of reducing humanitarian needs, risk and vulnerability, and identify gaps and new challenges

4. All stakeholders are encouraged to use relevant international, regional, national, and cross-cutting forums to hold dialogue in support of taking forward the Agenda for Humanity, turning the commitments into reality and making additional commitments.

The Agenda for Humanity Platform for Action, Commitments and Transformations

The Agenda for Humanity Platform for Action, Commitments and Transformations displays alignments with core commitments and individual and joint commitments that were received in writing by the World Humanitarian Summit secretariat. It also showcases some of the initiatives that were launched as part of the Summit process.

Stakeholders were also able to report on progress and showcase results, build engagement and create new partnerships. It also serves as a dynamic advocacy and implementation tool for all stakeholders in their efforts to advance the Agenda for Humanity and the commitments made at the Summit and to foster new commitments and partnerships.