Herzlich Willkommen

DOZ e.V.

A world of stable, secure, and lively communities for all.

For all; locals, IDPs, refugees, and migrants.

Sustainable development, providing humanitarian aid,

empowering and engaging local civil society and communities, and leave no one behind as we go forward.

DOZ e.V., also called (DOZ International)

is a registered, non-profit, non-governmental organization. Doz is a Local and Migrant-led organization.

We Invest in Humanity and Leave No One Behind.

Since 2012 till 2023 DOZ accomplished more than 62 projects in Syria, Iraq, and Germany and provided support to more than 198K people in need in humanitarian, development, and civil society sectors.

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Accomplished Projects

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Supported People

Help Women, Girls, and Children Rebuild Lives in Conflict Zones

In conflict regions like Ukraine, Iraq, and Syria, women, girls, and children are facing unimaginable challenges. Conflict has destroyed their homes, schools, and communities, leaving them vulnerable to violence, exploitation, and poverty.
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Our Main Work Sectors

As DOZ, we act locally, network regionally, and think globally.

Leave No One Behind

Honouring our commitment to leave no one behind requires reaching everyone in situations of conflict, disaster, vulnerability and risk. 

World Humanitarian Summit

DOZ International was invited to the First-ever World Humanitarian Summit by Former UN secretary general Ban Ki Moon as one of the global diaspora and migrant representatives. 

The World Humanitarian Summit (Istanbul, May 2016) was a pivotal moment for the global community. It generated momentum and political determination to move forward on the Agenda for Humanity and its five core responsibilities, and kick-started concrete changes in the way we address humanitarian need, risk and vulnerability.  

IFRC Code of Conduct in Disaster Relief

The Code of Conduct for the IFRC Movement and NGOs in disaster relief seeks to guard our standards of behaviour so that we can maintain the highest standards of independence, effectiveness and impact.

DOZ has signed the code of conduct and is committed to IFRC Core Principles.

Core Humanitarian Principles

DOZ is committed to Core Humanitarian Principles, they are: 


  • Humanity means that human suffering must be addressed wherever it is found, with particular attention to the most vulnerable. 
  • Neutrality means that humanitarian aid must not favour any side in an armed conflict or other dispute. 
  • Impartiality means that humanitarian aid must be provided solely on the basis of need, without discrimination. 
  • Independence means the autonomy of humanitarian objectives from political, economic, military or other objectives. 

Agenda for Humanity commitment

At the World Humanitarian Summit, 9,000 participants representing 180 Member States of the United Nations, over 700 local and international NGOs, the private sector and other stakeholders demonstrated overwhelming support for the transformations called for in the Agenda for Humanity.  

DOZ e.V. joined Agenda for Humanity in 2016 at World Humanitarian Summit and provided its progress reports on annual basis.  

Compact For Youth in Humanitarian Action

DOZ is a member of the UN Compact for Youth in Humanitarian Action since 2016 once it was established and announced in the World Humanitarian Summit in 2016. DOZ is committed to the 5 key actions for youth of the compact; to prioritize the needs and rights of young women and men, girls and boys affected by disaster, conflict, forced displacement and other emergencies.

Drive Sustainable Development.

As a local and migrantled organization, it is in our mission to Drive Sustainable Development. This means that we are committed to plan and implement development projects directly or with local partners to strengthen, empower, and enhance local capacities, local communities, local markets, and institutions. 

Vocational Trainings and Apprenticeships

We focus on sectorial and multi-sectorial approaches in our projects. Our aim to is to move from providing aid into ending the need of people, For that, we invest in strengthening and enhancing local capacities and local skill labor through vocational trainings and apprenticeships, and micro=grants in some livelihood projects, to help creating sustainable local work forces and sustainable local markets.  

Accessible Dignified Work and Self-Development Opportunities

Our focus in conflict zone and developing regions is mainly on youth and women. We seek to create dignified, equitable, and accessible job opportunities through our livelihood’s projects. Our aim is to increase dignified work chances for youth and women and help improving local economies to help flourishing stabilization and development progress. 

As DOZ, we emerged from an emerging local civil society in a conflict zone.

Therefore we are very aware of the essential multiple roles of civil society in democracy, stabilization, accountability, and policy development. Civil Society is an important source of information for both citizens and government, they monitor government policies and actions and hold governments accountable. They engage in advocacy and offer alternative policies for government, the private sector, and other institutions. We advocate for Localization and local civil society organizations and support them through partnerships and advocacy cooperations. We also plan and implement projects for Peacebuilding, Social Cohesion, Countering and Preventing Violent Extremism, Climate Change, Protection of Local Resources and Heritage, and be an active member of local, regional, and international civil society networks.

TPM (Third Party Monitoring)

Program Evaluation

Rapid Need Assessment

Gender Age Marker Assessment

Qualitative Research Studies

Learning Need Assessment

Country Context Analysis


Conflict Sensitivity Analysis

Accountability to Affected Populations (AAP)

Quantitative Research Studies

Some of Our Contributors

Our Nonprofit supporters who helped us through donations, grants, or expertise or by raising our capacity as NGO.
Stiftung nod süd

Support Widow Female Farmers in War Zones

The specific objective of the project was to support 15 female farmers who lost their husbands due to ongoing war in northern Raqqa.
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